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Marketing and Sales: What is the difference?

Marketing and sales are among the most important components of a company's survival in the market. While both are interrelated, many people confuse marketing with sales and vice versa, which is a huge mistake. Marketing involves designing a product according to the needs of the market and customers, promoting the product through advertisements, etc., and setting a competitive price for the product. Marketing is a platform that drives sales. A sales process, on the other hand, is what you do to successfully sell a product and get a contract. Sales and marketing are both part of sales and you cannot have one without the other. It can also be called activities. The success of the company is critical to the success of these two important activities.

Marketing is the backbone of the company's future and the launch pad for sales. While the marketing process involves product design, advertising, etc., the selling process is the execution of any effort that involves direct interaction with customers, be it through a face-to-face meeting, cold calling, or through networking. But there is always an ongoing rivalry between the two, with one claiming supremacy over the other. Marketers say they have an advantage because they believe they design products, set strategy, and also develop essential selling tools. They say that sales are the result of marketing and therefore they must follow their instructions. Sellers may not agree with this point of view and, in their opinion, are exactly the opposite. They believe that sales people are the ones who actually sell a product and make money for the company.

But many experts believe that marketing should play a pivotal role between the two. A successful marketing campaign makes sales easier and makes people believe that salespeople are, in fact, the dominant executives. The most important role of the marketing department is to create sales opportunities. Marketing drives sales and sales drive business success. Marketing is like the life support of sales, constantly supporting the sales department and enabling them to successfully deliver the final product. There should be no race for control of another department, but a race for the common market and customer acquisition.

Many companies combine sales and marketing, but in fact they have different goals. While the sales department is concerned with satisfying the needs of the customer, the marketing department is really busy with studying the needs of the market. The objective of the marketing department is to anticipate how the market will develop in the future. They must envision that their product will meet market demands for years to come and be prepared to make design changes to their product accordingly.

It is very important for a company to perfectly integrate its sales and marketing. It is the proper integration of these two important entities that drives the growth of the company. Sellers should not be treated as mere debt collectors. Each department has its own function and should go hand in hand and be the most important criterion in selling a company's product.